Six families are in Ethiopia collecting their new family members this week!
We are anticipating a conference call with our program director next Friday. That should be interesting! It is to answer the many questions that families have and to share developments with us.
Here is this week's update from America World:
America World Received 2 referrals for the last week of February. The DTE (Dossier Submitted to Ethiopia date) for referrals in February is as follows.
Sibling group under 5: May 11, 2007
Female infant: July 18, 2007
Male Infant: September 20, 2007
Based on the new referrals, the wait time for infant girls is 7-9 months, for infant boys 5-7 months and the wait time for sibling group under five is 9-12 months.
Our dossier was submitted October 5, so our 5th month of waiting will pass next Wednesday. According to this information, we should receive our referral in the next two months. Will we have our referral by May 5? Stay tuned...